Following SDW WG telecons

Dear all,

tomorrow I will at best arrive late for the telecon, at worst miss it altogether. Below I offer a few thoughts on current and new topics. Hope you log some discussion on them.

1. Barbara Magagna [0] has reached out asking to join the WG. Is there a procedure in place to admit new members? I was invited in by Linda, but don't know what happened before that.

2. During my trip to Prague I re-read the complete comments thread on the SystemKind issue [1]. In my view classes with names like Kind or Instance step outside the meta-framework of Ontology (contrast between Universals and Particulars). At this moment I side with the camp sceptical of such developments. I can't come up with a case in which I would use such classes. For instance in the context of observations conducted with soil spectrometers. However, it would be important to transform Maxime's initial case into an RDF example applying the current System class. I believe the latest comments by Rob˛ and Simon point in the right direction. 

3. Absence. Next week I will be in Tartu for the FOSS4G-Europe. The week after that the lorry comes to load my belongings. I possibly will not join before the 17th of July. During that time I will keep an eye on the minutes and try to move forwards with the charter. Would a Summer/Winter (Christmas?) break make sense? 

Best regards.



ISRIC - World Soil Information
Wageningen, Netherlands
+31 643 84 40 91

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 15:27:28 UTC