Joint Spatial Data on the Web (SDW) and Web of Things (WoT) Working Group session 23-Jun-2022, 13-14.00UTC

Joint Spatial Data on the Web (SDW) and Web of Things (WoT) Working Group session.

Thursday 23-June2022, 13:00-14:00 UTC

Hi SDW-ers. We are meeting with the WoT folk for a joint session on our regular monthly slot on Thursday. Details below. WoT-WG will benefit from your insight and experience around geospatial. They want to re-use what exists already (or is already under development). We need to help them connect their requirements to those standards.

Session objective:

(a) Define the geolocation deliverables for next WoT WG charter (2023 onwards). A starting list is here [1]. Use cases will guide what _kind_ of geolocation data we might need.

... Do we need velocity? Maybe, the use case is transportation or robotics.

... Do we need to identify topology? Maybe, if we are talking Building Information Management systems.

... Do we need to worry about visibility from given viewpoints?  Maybe, if the use case is AR.


(b) Agree schedule for routine checkpoint joint sessions and date of next meeting. Ongoing coordination is needed to ensure that WoT leverage existing geospatial standards and avoid creating new - especially around vocabularies/ontologies.

WoT gaps and future work are listed here [2].

WoT WG view is that GeoPose (limited to orientation?) and GeoSPARQL (missing a wat to access actual geolocation data in a consistent way?) don't cover all the use cases.

Looking forward to seeing you. Jeremy and Linda

(SDW-WG co-chairs)


[1]: Geospatial deliverables _may_ include the following

  1.  Geospatial discovery mechanisms (e.g. finding Things near a certain location)
  2.  Geospatial data encoding standards, for both metadata (Thing Descriptions) and dynamic data (here is a proposal, but it is only an outline):<>; may be necessary to enable 1.
  3.  Geospatial use cases (e.g. logistics, Smart City infrastructure management, etc.).  We have a set of use cases here,<>, and recently did a review of gaps here,<>, and it was clear that accounting for location is one of our biggest gaps.

[2]: Gaps and Future Work:

  *   GIS Integration
     *   Geospatial data and discovery
  *   Data Management
     *   Digital Twins and shadows
     *   Event notifications
     *   Historical data
  *   Security
     *   Key provisioning and onboarding
     *   Secure LAN access
     *   Proxy services
     *   Access control and ad-hoc sharing
     *   MUDS
  *   Accessibility
     *   Sensory modality mapping
     *   Textual/descriptive interfaces
     *   Service location
     *   Mobility services
  *   Advanced Use Cases
     *   Transportation
     *   Logistics
     *   Distributed energy management
     *   AR visualization
     *   Analytics integration e.g. for health and safety monitoring

Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2022 08:58:47 UTC