Re: ISSUE-124 - deprecate January and Year

Hi Simon
sorry to take so long to get back to this - not enough sober opportunities
to do it justice over christmas :-)

Only one voice here - but maybe just iterate an issue at a time...

the first couple of things I am wondering about are:
1) the ontology seems to mix classes an instances at different levels of
abstraction - which is IMHO a difference issue than instance/subclass
duality :Month is modelled Class, but :January is an instance.  (i dont
have the right leanguage for this but "real Instances" are bound to literal
values, as opposed to classes being instances of the Class concept.). I
guess the question is whether the concept of Month and Year are
specialisations of Interval that deserve to be in the main Time ontology.
2) the "month" property feels a bit odd still..
rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:comment """Month position in a calendar-clock system.
The range of this property is not specified, so can be replaced by any
specific representation of a calendar month from any calendar. """@en ;
rdfs:domain :GeneralDateTimeDescription ;
rdfs:label "month"@en ; this feels like it is perhaps a subPropertyof
and these all feel like models of time concepts - not a set of instances

whats the rationale and documentation for the range in this form "--04" ?

I think if i had a better handle on these I'd be able to look deeper into


On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 at 06:17 <> wrote:

> As I've been working on two separate groups of issues in OWL-Time, I've
> created two branches with names to reflect these. So the work described
> below which was initially in a branch simon-time is now in
> simon-time-individuals
> See:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton)
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 December, 2016 08:01
> To: 'Rob Atkinson' <>; Little, Chris <
> Subject: RE: ISSUE-124 - deprecate January and Year
> OK – so take a look in the RDF file for OWL-Time in the branch simon-time
> [1]
> Following the examples of January and Year from 2006 OWL-Time, I've
> created resources for 1. all of the months-of-the-year as subclasses of
> DateTimeDescription 2. all of the basic time durations as subclasses of
> DurationDescription
> I've also
> 3. shown how Year, Month, Week ... etc can also be conceived as subclasses
> of the new class Duration, for example
> :Year
>   rdfs:subClassOf :Duration ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf [
>       rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
>       owl:hasValue :unitYear ;
>       owl:onProperty :unitType ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf [
>       rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
>       owl:hasValue 1 ;
>       owl:onProperty :numericDuration ;
>     ] ;
> .
> In addition to the original subclassing from DurationDescription.
> 4. shown how January, February, March ... etc can be conceived as
> individuals from a new class MonthOfYear, which follows the precedent of
> DayOfWeek which was already there. So for example, the complete description
> of April looks like
> :April
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   rdf:type :MonthOfYear ;
>   rdfs:label "April"@en ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf :DateTimeDescription ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf [
>       rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
>       owl:hasValue :unitMonth ;
>       owl:onProperty :unitType ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf [
>       rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
>       owl:hasValue "--04" ;
>       owl:onProperty :month ;
>     ] ;
>   skos:prefLabel " ?@5;L"@ru ;
>   skos:prefLabel "#(1JD"@ar ;
>   skos:prefLabel "4 "@ja ;
>   skos:prefLabel "4 "@zh ;
>   skos:prefLabel "Abril"@es ;
>   skos:prefLabel "Abril"@pt ;
>   skos:prefLabel "April"@de ;
>   skos:prefLabel "April"@en ;
>   skos:prefLabel "April"@nl ;
>   skos:prefLabel "Aprile"@it ;
>   skos:prefLabel "Avril"@fr ;
>   skos:prefLabel "KwiecieD"@pl ;
> .
> So each month is both a class and an individual.
> Note that I also added multi-lingual labelling for months and days,
> scraped from DBPedia, using the skos:prefLabel annotation.
> 5. In the branch these are all in the main namespace.
> So there are a few questions here:
> (i) Should months be both classes (following the precedent from 2006) and
> individuals (following the pattern from DayOfWeek)
> (ii) Should the duration individuals be both DurationDescription and
> Duration (don't see why not)
> (iii) what namespace for all these
> (iv) what property to be used for multi-lingual labels
> Simon
> [1]

Received on Monday, 2 January 2017 17:13:57 UTC