Call for Consensus: request publication of the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology as Proposed Recommendation

Hello Spatial Data on the Web Working Group participants,

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to request publication of the current Editor's Draft of the Semntic Sensor Network Ontology specification as a W3C Proposed Recommendation (PR).

The staged PR snapshot is at:;previousMaturity=CR;previousPublishDate=2017-07-11;publishDate=2017-08-31;prEnd=2017-09-29;crEnd=2017-08-08;implementationReportURI=

There is no sufficient implementation evidence for the System Capabilities Module, which had been identified as being at risk. That module has been made informative as a result. The usage report demonstrates support for all other features defined in the specification.

Other non-normative changes made to the document are listed in the Change History section:

Please let us know if you have any concerns by next Monday 28 August 2017. 
Silence is considered consent.

Actual publication of the Proposed Recommendation would happen one or two weeks after the end of this call for consensus, provided it is successful and provided the W3C Director approves the publication.

Scott, same message as usual, I let you chime in as needed if there's anything required from an OGC perspective!

W3C team contact

Received on Monday, 21 August 2017 08:25:08 UTC