Hi Jeremy & Linda,
The Note for coverage using the rdf datacube is humming along. Could you give us a little bit of advice please? From an ontology perspective it is a "how to" supported by an extended example (and there will also be info on implementation via middleware to come). The question is that , so far, we mention the "user" as the poor soul responsible for doing the modelling/rdf markup/annotation... To be more consistent with BP, what name would you give? Similarly what do we call someone who is retrieving data?
Also we are writing examples in turtle--- is that "best practice" for spatial data on the web? Or at least not inconsistent?
The draft so far is here if you want to look : http://w3c.github.io/sdw/eo-qb/. It uses owl-time and ssn in the same example (plus some prov-o too), so possibly could even serve as a best-practice example for something if that is not too internal (although the running software might be a better reference than the Note). Maybe for linkability --- tiles and slices have uris.