F2F agenda updates, regrets for next 2 weeks and promises of business in December


I will be travelling for work in Asia over the next 2-weeks; totally the
wrong time-zone for our weekly meetings so I will miss the next BP
sib-group call and the plenary call the week after. Apologies.

I also won't be able to do any work (other than thinking!) about the BP
deliverable. Apologies (again!).

I've updated the F2F agenda for December. I've added 15-minutes for the
vote to release the next WD of the Best Practices Note on Friday morning
(10:45-11:00) as agreed. I've also suggested that BP could usefully fill
the 'unclaimed' session from 9:00am to 10:45am on Friday morning to work
through prioritise BPs.

When I get back to the UK, I _promise_ that I will take the discussions
from TPAC and recent BP calls about BP 7 [1] "Use globally unique HTTP
identifiers for spatial things" (including our discussion on use of
"indirect identifiers") and BP 4 [2] "Make your spatial data indexable by
search engines" ... these changes _will_ make it into the next WD release!

Back in a couple of weeks. Jeremy

[1]: http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#globally-unique-ids
[2]: http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#indexable-by-search-engines

Received on Saturday, 19 November 2016 08:59:10 UTC