request for ssn agenda item

ISSUE-85: remove someValues from restriction on hassubsystem
Could we decide  on this this week please? I think it is very simple and can go into the FPWD if agreed. As it is a change to the  old ssn it would be good to get it out ASAP. I *think* it will be uncontroversial.

Detail: Currently, a ssn:System has both a someValuesfrom and an AllValuesfrom restriction on hasSubSystem.System to describe a recursive part-of structure. Clearly the existential (someValuesFrom) restriction should not be there as surely we allow a finite system with a terminating system that has no subsystem. Removing the restrtiction would be backwards- compatible as it is weaker, and almost certainly is the way System has been used in practice anyway.  Furthermore, the "documentation" role of the property as a restriction on the class is unaffected due to the remaining AllValuesfrom restriction.


Received on Sunday, 13 November 2016 06:14:08 UTC