RE: Please review OWL-Time document

Weird... in the source HTML document these are h4 elements, but when I use the element inspector of my browser, it says they are h3 elements...

Will review over the holidays!

Van: []
Verzonden: donderdag 22 december 2016 06:37
Onderwerp: Please review OWL-Time document

The Editors draft of the OWL-Time specification can be considered for release as a second public working draft.

A few issues outstanding are prominent in the text - big pink notes.

And this section (carried over from the 2006 draft) has not been properly reviewed:

Also - an annoying HTML/CSS issue - <h4> headings are not formatted consistently, some in blue, some in black, particularly where there is a sequence of them (mostly in chapter 4).
Somewhere along the line my HTML and the CSS are fighting, but I can't figure out where.

Happy holidays all.

Simon & Chris

Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
CSIRO Land and Water<>

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