RE: ISSUE-124 - deprecate January and Year

This makes sense – I agree -  --- will make owl-time more usable.  Put it in a separate namespace and make it non-normative makes is both a useful example for owl-time, a useful ontology on its own that makes Time more readily useable, and also serves  QB4ST .

From: Rob Atkinson []
Sent: Wednesday, 21 December 2016 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: ISSUE-124 - deprecate January and Year

Cant we deprecate 2016 ?

seriously though, i think this proposal makes sense - but it would also be useful to have a new namespace - where such things are defined - that both makes Time relevant to the vast majority of users who just need the common cases, and provides a useful example of how a community uses Time to define its specialised flavours. Either an adjunct graph defining these or a strong statement that a register of re-usable Time specialisations is needed to implement the Time _model_ - i,e, its not a Time ontology at all, but a Time Model ontology...

QB4ST is looking to provide examples of Time in dimension specification - and the one i really need is to be able to define a dimension that is a hierarchy of years and months - currrently i'd need to make up the intermediate layer in some non-canonical namespace and that feels wrong on many levels.

 (Note also QB4ST is designed as the object model for a registry of community defmined diensions that can be reused - probably a similar pattern applies to Time - but having this most basic case as an ontology doesnt preclude that being used to seed such a registry)

Rob Atkinson

On Wed, 21 Dec 2016 at 18:02 <<>> wrote:
Great subject eh?

This related to two classes defined in the 2006 version of OWL-Time, which are really just examples so should never have been in the main namespace. Propose to mark them deprecated. Raised it a couple of times. I don’t think there is any controversy here, so will just close the issue.


Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
CSIRO Land and Water<>

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