Coverage tasks for TPAC

Hi all,

Further to our progress call earlier this week, here is a summary of the
things I think we should do in advance of the face to face meeting at the
W3 TPAC meeting in Lisbon on 19/20 September.

Although many/most of the relevant participants will not be at that
meeting, we should nonetheless have drafts for review and discussion by
others in the SDW group.

The meeting is roughly 3 weeks away, so time is short. While we have one
more telephone call scheduled before then, collaborators on the different
parts should schedule direct discussions between themselves where necessary.

1) Draft a W3 Note/OGC Discussion document on CovJSON
- Bill to confer with Jon on how to do this
- Bill/Jon/Maik to consider how/whether to extend the existing spec with a
resolution of this issue

2) Draft a W3 Note/OGC Discussion document on "Publishing Earth Observation
Data with the RDF DataCube"
- ANU leading
- work in progress at

3) Draft a document on "RDF Data Cube for Space and Time" QB4ST
- Rob Atkinson leading, with input from Chris Little
- work in progress at
- looking at specifying the metadata for cube dimensions in a coverage
- potentially to become its own Note/Discussion doc or potentially merged
with item 2 - we probably need to see further how the content of each
develops to decide which is best.

Thanks very much everyone!


Received on Friday, 26 August 2016 10:21:05 UTC