Re: agenda for SDW plenary meeting this week

Hi Kerry,

there has been some positive feedback on mailing lists regarding
establishing a BP that we can then re-use within more specific BPs,
regarding a consistent pattern for describing the attributes of
spatio-temporal values - UoM, CRS, precision etc,  and how to attach these
to datasets, structures (e.g RDF-QB dimension definitions) and actual data
values.  Needs to handle valid requirements for labels, URIs and formal
models (including ontologies and micro-formats possibly) . Its too complex
a thing for a beginner to address - but hopefully tractable for us to
identify BP here and then use it consistently in examples at least.

IMHO Too many times in the BP we have had to resort to references dataset
metadata as a "possible solution" and not be able to offer a more concrete
example of how to encode such things in data. Its also cross-cutting across
at least the Time, Josh's :spatial ontology" and coverage work - so i think
its a plenary topic to at least put a marker on the plan for handling this.

Can we devote a short discussion slot to this - enough to maybe define it
as an issue and assign an action to someone (me if necessary) to have a go
drafting such a BP and finessing references - or someone else to make the
case to reject it as unnecessary :-)


On Wed, 3 Aug 2016 at 11:59 Kerry Taylor <> wrote:

> There seems to be sufficient interest – the meeting will go ahead as
> planned!
> *From:* Kerry Taylor []
> *Sent:* Monday, 1 August 2016 11:02 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* agenda for SDW plenary meeting this week
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> The SDW meeting this week will be, as usual at *3 August 2016 13:00 GMT
> <>*
> (click for your local time).
> We are expecting a low-ish  turnout due to all those northern-hemisphere
> slackers (from whom a tiny ray of weak sunshine is an excuse to down tools)
> so if you are planning to be there for the meeting then  a quick “+1” reply
> to this email will be helpful; else we may cancel due to lack of interest.
> Main agenda
>    1. CRS -- who is our primary audience and what do they need? And then
>    what about the rest of them?
>    2. Best Practices:
>    - progress and planning;
>       - consolidating (merging) best practices, e.g. the ones on
>       identifiers;
>       - bumping into concrete.
> More info, including how to dial in:
> -Kerry & Ed

Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2016 04:07:56 UTC