RE: satellite data as sensor data

A 2010 study by Andrew Woolf, Clemens Portele and myself [1] took a broad look at harmonization of the feature, observation, and coverage viewpoints. This provides a basis for understanding the issue you refer to in terms of the ISO/OGC modelling framework.

Some of the results of this analysis were reflected up into the recent revision of ISO 19109 [2] - specifically

-          'coverage' recognized as a valid representation of a property of a feature, where the property varies within the scope of the feature

-          'observation' recognized as one instantiation of the value-assignment meta-class

If your institution's library does not subscribe to ISO standards, the UML model for 19109.2 is available from the ISO Harmonized Model repository, hosted by JRC [3] - look in Drafts/ISO 19109. Also see diagrams below.




From: []
Sent: Saturday, 30 May 2015 10:13 PM
Subject: [ExternalEmail] Re: satellite data as sensor data

Ideally, I would expect SSN  to be used to describe a sensor ( and satellite) associated with remotely sensed data, but something else, ie the "coverage"  deliverable, to describe the data , and these would fit neatly together( ie modular).

For this reason, I agree entirely with your suggestions, Frans. I prefer "earth" over the alternative, but I am not fussy. And it should go in ssn too( although this is more motivated  by my sense of the right solution then it is by any solution-independent notion of requirements) .


On 30 May 2015, at 3:16 am, "Frans Knibbe" <<>> wrote:
Hi Alejandro,

About the SSN-like representation<> requirement ("It should be possible to represent satellite data using the SSN model, including sensor descriptions."):

  *   Can we change the title to something more descriptive like "Earth observation data as sensor data" or "Satellites as sensors"?
  *   It seems this requirement applies to the SSN deliverable too. Shall we add it?
  *   Would it be possible to explain why this would be desirable, in general? (This is one of the examples where I find it hard to refrain from thinking from the Linked Data paradigm, where models/semantics are modular and can be mixed at will)

Frans Knibbe
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)

T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347

Received on Sunday, 31 May 2015 04:13:57 UTC