Re: ssn requiremehts on ss

Sure, it does! I still don't quite understand the "nominal" part and would
rephrase it as: "Be able to represent qualitative observations (e.g. of
events or states)". Does it make sense?

Best regards,

On 28 April 2015 at 09:46, <> wrote:

>  Alejandro,
> Responding to the comment in the use case ss,  ssn tab column M,  For ssn
> requirement:  “detecting qualitative (nominal) events”
> Alejandro says: “Out of scope. We could consider event representation as
> spatio-temporal features to allow linking observations to events, e.g.
> using the stimulus property of SSN. But IMO, event detection should not be
> part of the SSN ontology”
> This comment may derive from an (my?)  inadequate description of the
> intent that arose from many  use cases at the Barcelona meeting.
> Perhaps it should be “Be able  to represent measurements of nominal (or
> qualitative)  events or states (e.g on/off, open/ajar/closed,
> excellent/good/ average/poor/horrendous)”
> Does that bring it back into scope? I think so.
> Kerry

Alejandro Llaves

Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)

Artificial Intelligence Department

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Avda. Montepríncipe s/n

Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 08:50:05 UTC