RE: Further work on the Use Cases and Requirements document


As Alejandro mentioned already, that text comes from the charter.  I am assuming “  ISO 19123 abstract model “ substantially means UML, which I think it does (please correct me if I am wrong!).  Curiously in the “coverage” session at OGC TC Barcelona there was  a rather  heated discussion about  what it means to be “conformant” to such a model – if I understood it correctly (you were clearly making sense of it at the time!) the conclusion was that (in the OGC) it is not even possible to be “conformant” to such a model as our charter requires...  Note that afaik this is not an issue at all for the W3C.

We are most certainly not going to re-invent an XML implementation for ISO 19123.

My own interpretation of the Charter is that we are developing an OWL (or just RDFS) ontology to  represent data that could  also be ISO 19123 discrete coverage.  I doubt there is any such implementation already in the OGC or anywhere else (although I am aware of some work from Munster that has the right flavour, and I believe a few people in the group are working on it).

Does this make the issue go away?


From: Peter Baumann []
Sent: Friday, 10 April 2015 5:18 PM
To: Frans Knibbe; Alejandro Llaves
Subject: Re: Further work on the Use Cases and Requirements document

Hi all,

in the below document there is the stanza "The WG will develop a formal Recommendation for expressing discrete coverage data conformant to the ISO 19123 abstract model" in 2.5. As already pointed out at the joint W3C/OGC meeting this will hinder interoperability: many different implementations of the same abstract model are possible, and have been done actually.

But there is more: ISO is currently restructuring 19123 into
- 19123-1, the current abstract model
- 19123-2, the coverage implementation model
the latter will be based verbatim on OGC 09-146r2 which establishes OGC's authoritative coverage model. This will be done through a fast track procedure (ISO is convinced about the approach, based on both concepts and massive implementation evidence), so 19123-2 will be ISO standard on very short notice.

Hence, if W3C will not use OGC's adopted coverage model it will own an implementation model which is not interoperable with OGC, ISO, INSPIRE - in short: the rest of the world. Therefore, let me suggest to rephrase 2.5 accordingly. At this stage it does not cost much yet (as usual in the software life cycle).

Just wanted to raise awareness of the issue in this group.


On 04/09/2015 04:29 PM, Frans Knibbe wrote:
Hello Alejandro,

I have just made some changes to the Use Cases and Reuirements document<>. I have not put much effort in the textual content yet because I think it is best to get the structure of the document right before putting more meat on its bones.

The main things I changed today:

  *   I have placed the deliverables in a separate chapter.
  *   I have added a chapter that should explain the scoping process.
  *   I have replaced the <details> and <summary> tags, which we can not use because they are not yet standard HTML, with a CSS-based solution for expanding and collapsing text.
  *   I placed a template for use cases in a comment.
What do you think of the document structure as it is?


Frans Knibbe
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)

T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347


Dr. Peter Baumann

 - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen<>


   tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178

 - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 26793)<>, mail:<>

   tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882

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Received on Friday, 10 April 2015 12:11:17 UTC