Using SSN/SOSA for Linked Data access to sensors/actuators

Dear all,

We have a number of IoT devices with sensors and actuators (eg. 
Raspberry PI with SenseHat, or Tessel 2 with corresponding modules) to 
which I am implementing Linked Data access with data described using 
SOSA/SSN [1,2]. The HTTP server directly runs on the device itself. The 
sensors include temperature (yielding degrees celsius), light and sound 
(yielding a number without dimension). The actuators include relays and 
LEDs. I want to describe the devices, sensors, and actuators, and their 
*current* readings/states using SOSA/SSN. In contrast to the examples in 
the SOSA document, I am less concerned with elaborately describing a set 
of observations and actuations that *have been* made and the 
circumstances, but with describing the *status quo* as responses to HTTP 
GET requests in a compact fashion (correspondingly, for actuators in PUT 

Using SOSA, we got as far as the following (thanks to Maxime for his help):
A HTTP GET request on /thermometer yields the current reading, eg.:

> @prefix dcterms: <> .
> @prefix qudt: <> .
> @prefix qudt-u: <> .
> @prefix sosa: <> .
> <> dcterms:date "2017-05-28" .
> <#id> a sosa:Sensor .
> [] sosa:madeBySensor <#id> ;
>   sosa:hasResult [ qudt:numericValue 20 ;
>     qudt:hasUnit qudt-u:DegreeCelcius ] .

Are there subclasses of sosa:Sensor? I think that in practice, there are 
a handful of common types, eg. thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, 
magnetometer where it would be great to have terms or examples for.

For the overview of all sensors on a device, would I use rather 
sosa:Platform or ssn:System? What is the rule to decide when to use one 
or the other?

> @prefix sosa: <> .
> <#raspberryPi> a sosa:Platform ;
>   sosa:hosts <#senseHat> .
> <#senseHat> a sosa:Platform ;
>   sosa:hosts <thermometer#id> , <ledMatrix#id> .

When it comes to describing actuators and their state, I have the 
following questions:

Are there terms in the vocabulary to state whether something is on or 
off? For instance, in case of a LED in a LED matrix, I currently use 
(excerpt from a response to a GET request):

> <#led> <> false .

In a PUT request, I ignore all but this triple (treating the other 
triples in the spirit of the Linked Data Platform's server-managed 
triples [3]).

Similarly, I have a relay, which can be turned on or off, currently 
modelled in the same manner:

> <#relay> <> false .

Using the sosa:Actuation, I can state that something *has* acted on 
something else, eg., in the SOSA examples, the window closer has acted 
on the state of the window. But how would I say that the window closer 
*acts* on the window's state in general? Or, in my case, that the 
<#relay> acts on the state of a lamp that is plugged into a socket to 
which the relay is attached?

Similarly to my speculated common types of sosa:Sensor's, I think there 
are common types for sosa:Actuator's, too.




Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2017 09:15:50 UTC