Re: URL and host comparison methods

On 8/17/15, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:
> For the URL API we're considering introducing comparison methods. That
> take two strings and some options, and then return whether they're
> equal or not given those options.
> URLs frequently want to be compared while ignoring the fragment identifier.
> Hosts sometimes need to be compared without the trailing dot. Suggested
> API:
>, url2, { excludeHash: true })
>   URL.hostIs(host1, host2, { excludeTrailingDot: true })
> (Typing it out I notice it is somewhat unfortunate about I and l not
> being distinguishable much, but getElementById() already has that
> problem.)
So do document.writeln and System.out.println.

It is preferable to put the boolean indicator "is", "are", "can",
"has", etc in the beginning of the function's name, and not at the
end. For example: areEqual, isEqual, areComparable, areSame, etc.

Received on Monday, 17 August 2015 15:26:56 UTC