Re: Future feedback

Hi David,

Thanks for the links. I tried to read all the Future related comments on 
this mailing list and the W3 DOM list and didn't see these issues 
raised, though I thought it likely they were items of discussion somewhere.

My responses are inline.

On 11/05/13 5:02 AM, David Bruant wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Answering to the part I have an answer to.
> Le 08/05/2013 02:27, Sean Hogan a écrit :
>> 3. The `catch` method throws an "Unexpected identifier" error in 
>> older browsers, including IE6-IE8.
> ['catch'] is the answer for the time older browser matters (which 
> depends on people's requirements) [1]
>> I saw one library provided `fail` as an alternative to `catch`.
> This been discussed early [2]. I prefer "fail" too, but don't care 
> that much as long as there is something.

Those discussions don't address the fact that `catch` is also a 
misleading name.

>> 6. I can't work out why a Future wouldn't provide (read-only) access 
>> to `state` and `result`. If they were present in the API I can't 
>> imagine anyone asking for them to be removed.
> For context, see [3].

Fair enough.

>> 7. The `done` method definitions seem to have a couple of typos.
>> In one place it returns `void`, in another it returns a new Future. I 
>> believe it is supposed to return the context Future so that `done` 
>> can be chained.

I see that the inconsistency in the spec has been fixed. I assumed 
chaining would be allowed since


would be the same as

     future.done(); future.done()

I am neither for nor against chaining `done` - it is a non-issue anyway.

> The purpose of done is to avoid a to chain so that uncaught errors 
> aren't propagated without being caught. When you call .done and the 
> last promise had an error, the devtools can tell you so (telling you 
> before .done could be confusing as the error might be later caught)

`.done()` **does not** provide a guarantee against silent failure. It 
**allows** you to manually throw the error without it being prevented 
from reaching the console, like so:

     future.done(null, function(e) { throw e; })

Maybe I'm bike-shedding - I need to convert some real-world code to use 
DOM Futures.


Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 03:14:39 UTC