Re: Interface prototype objects and ES6 @@toStringTag

On 5/13/13 4:50 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
> The way that WebIDL require Object.prototype.toString to return "[object
> TypePrototype]" for the interface prototype object and "[object Type]"
> for the instances seems to imply that every instance needs to have an
> own @@toStringTag.

Just to check my understanding, is this because there is no concept of 
an accessor for a symbol object get, so that Get(O, @@toStringTag) 
cannot perform introspection of O?  At first glance it seems like 
nothing prevents there being an accessor invoked as a result of Get(), 
though I'm a little confused about the code that does this Get(): it 
seems to expect back something with a .[[value]] but as far as I can 
tell Get() returns a value, not a descriptor...


Received on Monday, 13 May 2013 21:48:00 UTC