RE: Allowing IDL attributes to have different types for the getter and setter

From: Boris Zbarsky [mailto:bzbarsky@MIT.EDU]

> On 4/17/13 9:58 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> > That sounds like a bizarre API to me. Access or properties should, as much as possible, behave just like normal data properties.
> OK.  What would you like to see for the specific API under discussion here?

Assuming I'm understanding the background reading correctly,

    myFileInput.files = new FileList([aFile]);
    myFileInput.files = new FileList([bFile, cFile]);

seems like the way to go. As long as, generally,

    var x = someThingOfTheCorrectType;
    y.z = x;
    assert(y.z === x);

passes, then we're in good shape.

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 02:21:03 UTC