Re: Why do WebIDL dictionary members not have [TreatNullAs], [TreatUndefinedAs] apply to them?

On 6/7/12 10:22 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> I guess having these supported as part of the browser engine does not
> matter much.

Oh, I think it does.

> It's mostly new specifications we care about. As long as
> those don't use it

The only way to enforce that people don't use things like this, really, 
is for browsers not to support them...  In my opinion.

In particular, there's tons of invalid WebIDL in specs out there.  Every 
time I try to run a new spec through our WebIDL parser so far, I find a 
bunch of bugs in it, because the parser is in fact validating the 
various correctness requirements WebIDL has.

Since I would like the parser to continue doing that, I need to either 
implement this restriction or the spec needs to lift it.  ;)


Received on Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:44:25 UTC