Re: [WebIDL] toJSON

Le 30/05/2012 21:40, Travis Leithead a écrit :
> IE9 added a native toJSON method on the window.performance object in order to allow simple JSON of that accessor property to work nicely :)
I have mixed feelings on this news. On one hand I think it's a brilliant
idea, specifically for this property which holds a lot of properties
itself, on the other hand, I wonder if it's part of any standard.
Is IE9 the only browser who did add a toJSON to window.performance? If
no, are all implementations consistent with one another?
Regardless, is it part of any standard? If not, could either Microsoft
push it to discussions to standard or drop it?

History has taught us that web technlogies are implementation and
content-driven [1]. If one browser with relevant market share
implemented something and people start using it, then the web relies on
it and what was implemented needs to be standardized as is. I heard IE
is suffering from this issue with __proto__.

I really think it's a brilliant idea. I just wish it was discussed in
standards mailing-lists first :-)



Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 20:58:16 UTC