Re: Unrestricted float

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 01:19:20 +0200, Brendan Eich <> 
> wrote:
>> Just as a point of sane engineering in the large over multiple past 
>> dependent specs, why were the meanings of float and double changed, 
>> rather than adding 'restricted float' and 'restricted double' types?
> Because when this was added the evaluation was that most 
> specifications would want restricted semantics (and had not considered 
> Nan/Infinity). I'm not sure Hixie is correct that everything in HTML 
> should change, I think it is mostly (if not only) the canvas related 
> members.

Can someone take a census?

Anyway, even with the majority favoring 'restricted', it's a bit of a 
mind-trap for anyone coming from C and similar languages.


Received on Sunday, 8 April 2012 03:02:58 UTC