Arrays in WebIDL aren't making sense to me so far

I was reading the array sections of WebIDL, and I had two questions.

1)  The spec says that for platform array objects the [[Extensible]] 
property is always true.  Why is that, exactly?  Shouldn't one be able 
to Object.seal() or Object.preventExtensions() platform array objects? 
It's doable for other platform objects, afaict...

2) says that arrays are 
passed by reference and that "Passing an array to a platform object 
could result in that array being modified by the object."  However says that converting an 
ES value to an IDL array always allocates a new array.  I'm not sure how 
to reconcile these two statements; at the moment I'm assuming that the 
informative text at the first link is in error and the normative 
requirements are correct: arrays are passed by value but returned by 
reference.  Is that right?


Received on Monday, 2 April 2012 15:07:03 UTC