[WebIDL] Behavior for negative values passed for unsigned arguments

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 9:43 AM, David Flanagan <dflanagan@mozilla.com> wrote:
> WebIDL has just introduced an [EnforceRange] attribute that alters the
> behavior of numeric conversions.  I argued for something like this using
> CharacterData.deleteData() as an example.  In DOM Level 2, it was specified
> to throw a TypeError for negative arguments, even though those arguments
> were unsigned long and WebIDL would automatically convert any negative
> arguments to positive.
> The last time I checked, the Webkit browsers do throw TypeError for negative
> arguments (following DOM 2) and Firefox converts -1 to the maximum positive
> unsigned long value (following the current version of DOM4).
> I'd like to suggest that the arguments to this (and similar) methods be
> declared with [EnforceRange], which would bring DOM4 back into alignment
> with the intent of DOM Level 2.  If someone passes -1 to deleteData(), I
> think it is safe to say that they don't really mean 2^32-1.  An error is the
> right thing here.

I really think that we should not default to the wrapping behavior. I
strongly doubt that's commonly what people want. And I also suspect
that in the vast majority of cases it would be web compatible as well
as a usability improvement to make negative values throw.

*If* there are cases where this wouldn't be web compatible, I propose
we make those functions take signed values and describe the wrapping
in prose, I'd be surprised if this will be needed in more than one or
two locations, if at all.

In the IndexedDB spec we've started working around the current default
behavior for unsigned arguments by making arguments signed and define
that an exception is thrown for negative values. This is strictly
making the spec harder to read.

/ Jonas

Received on Friday, 9 September 2011 17:29:56 UTC