Re: Error Object, Stack, and Parking Garages

On 8/12/11 11:14 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:
> On 8/11/11, Boris Zbarsky<>  wrote:
>> On 8/12/11 12:12 AM, Garrett Smith wrote:
>>> When a script/DOM error occurs, the callback fires. The callback can
>>> access the callstack, message, and error from the error event.
>> Subject to security restrictions when cross-origin scripts are involved,
>> just like the onerror handler is, yes?
> Such that given a site on, you have<script src="//"></script>?
> If so, would it be safe to generate a content-type error: "script
> error from Wrong content-type." - ?

No. Scripts are served with the "wrong" type all the time (if nothing 
else because there is no "right" type, really).  Worse yet, this is a 
problem even when linking to an actual script cross-site: the final URI 
of that script must not be leaked to the page that embeds the script, 
nor must any of the script's contents as much as possible.


Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 07:34:03 UTC