Re: [Constructor] and [NamedConstructor]

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> Hi David.
> Thanks for your comments.
> On 29/07/11 11:05 AM, David Flanagan wrote:
>> I've got the following comments on the LC draft (prompted by Alex
>> Russell's recent email):
>> 1) In §4.3.5 and §4.3.6 it might be helpful to add a note pointing out
>> that these attributes create factory functions rather than true
>> constructors, and that it is unnecessary and potentially inefficient to
>> use the new keyword with them. (Or perhaps the notes should go in
>> § and §4.5.2 instead)
> Does that mean you consider this native JS function not to be a "true
> constructor":
>  function F() {
>    return { };
>  }

If this is the de-sugaring, it's pretty nasty. It'd be better if the
factory only acted as one in the absence of "new".

> ?  Although with some implementations it might be less efficient to use new
> to invoke these constructors, I don't think it's going to be significant.
>  Implementations could well optimise these cases anyway. I'm not sure these
> notes would be useful.
>> 2) Step 5 in §4.5.2 defines t<sub>0</sub> through t<sub>n-1</sub>, but
>> then they are never used in the algorithm. I suspect that step 6 should
>> change "to an IDL value" to "to an IDL value of type t<sub>i</sub>".
> Agreed.
>> 3) §4.5.2 doesn't say anything about the prototype property of a named
>> constructor function. Shouldn't it have one, and shouldn't it have the
>> same value as the prototype property of the interface object? (Note that
>> FF and Chrome do not do this for Image(), but Safari does)
> Safari/IEPP: Image.prototype == HTMLImageElement.prototype
> Chrome: Image.prototype.[[Prototype]] == HTMLImageElement
> Firefox: Image.prototype.[[Prototype]] == HTMLElement.prototype
> Opera: Image.prototype === undefined
> I agree, the Safari/IE behaviour makes most sense to me.
> Here's the change:
> Could you please indicate whether this resolution is acceptable.
> Thanks,
> Cameron

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 05:47:20 UTC