[WebIDL] Use of ECMAScript [[Put]] in WebIDL algorithms

I spotted the following issue in 4.2.17 of WebIDL.  It may well occurs other places too.

Consider this algorithm:

	1 Let O be a new Object value created as if by the expression ({}).
	2  Let dictionaries be a list consisting of D and all of D’s inherited dictionaries, in order from least to most derived.
	3  For each dictionary dictionary in dictionaries, in order:
		1  For each dictionary member member declared on dictionary, in order:
			1  Let key be the identifier of member.
			2  If the dictionary member named key is present on V, then:
				1 Let idlValue be the value of member on V.
				2 Let value be the result of converting idlValue to an ECMAScript value.
				3  Call the [[Put]] internal method on O with arguments key, value and false.
	4 Return O.

The object created in line 1 has Object.prototype as its [[Prototype]].

Somebody could have previously executed:

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "optionName", {put: function(v) {performArbitraryComputation()}});

If step above is performed with "optionName" as the value of key, performArbitraryComputation will be called as a setter function by [[Put]].

It is for this reason that in the ECMAScript specification we avoid using [[Put]] when we specify object construction algorithms like this one.  Instead of [[Put]] we use [[DefineOwnProperty]] which will create a property without invoking inherited setters.


Received on Thursday, 21 July 2011 21:13:14 UTC