Re: The Structured Clone Wars

On 7/15/11 1:37 PM, Dean Landolt wrote:
> Is it really a problem if host objects don't survive in full across serialization
> boundaries?

Depending on what you mean by "in full", yes.

> As you say "All APIs that use structured cloning are pretty
> explicit. Things like Worker.postMessage and IDBObjectStore.put pretty
> explicitly creates a new copy." If you expect host objects to survive
> across that boundary you'll quickly learn otherwise, and it won't take
> long to grok the difference.

The whole point of structured cloning is to pass across objects in a way 
that's pretty difficult to do via serialization using existing ES5 
reflection facilities.

> Java draws a distinction between marshalling and serialization which
> might be useful to this discussion:

Structured clone is closer to marshalling.


Received on Friday, 15 July 2011 23:10:43 UTC