Re: Implementation requirements for [Callback] interfaces

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
>> Are there any specs currently using [Callback] for interfaces that
>> exist as both host objects and native JavaScript implementations?
> I don’t know how well it is implemented, but there is XPathNSResolver,
> which both can be supplied from script and can be returned from a
> createNSResolver call:

It's implemented in Firefox

>> Are there any specs that define [Callback] interfaces that have
>> constants?
> None come to mind.


>> If not, it sure would be simpler to say that the [Callback]
>> attribute implies the [NoInterfaceObject] attribute.
> It would indeed.  I am concerned there might be some valid use cases for
> having an interface that can be implemented by both user script and the
> implementation, but even so this would be uncommon.
> In this kind of situation I might think to flip the extended attribute –
> have a [RequireInterfaceObject] to override [Callback]’s default
> behaviour of inhibiting the interface object.

Works for me.

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2011 07:00:50 UTC