testing plans for Web IDL


I read with great pleasure that there is now a well-defined schedule for
moving Web IDL to LC: good job!

Has there been any thoughts given around the CR phrase for Web IDL?
Given how important that specification is, I'm hoping there will be a
good test suite to back it up.

Are there plans to build such a test suite?

A test suite would need to show that the ECMAscript bindings [1] of Web
IDL fragments actually follow the various constraints and algorithms
that the spec defines.

Ideally, the said Web IDL fragments would come (or be inspired) from
APIs that are already well-deployed; I'm not sure if we have enough such
APIs to cover all the features of Web IDL (but if we don't, maybe the
features that don't match that requirement should be marked at risk /
moved to v2?).

Even more ideally, in the process of building that test suite, we would
build a tool that can generate tests to verify the correct
implementation of the Web IDL fragment in a given browser. There is
already at least one tool that does this [2], but it doesn't match the
latest evolution of Web IDL (and is also probably too limited as is to
be sufficient toward that).

FWIW, a few pointers to existing Web IDL processors with their test
suite (but which mostly address proper syntactic parsing):
* widlproc , a tool that turns Web IDL fragments into XML (and which I
now maintain) http://widl.webvm.net/

* esidl , a tool that generates C++ stubs from Web IDL fragments

* Whatpm::WebIDL a tool that parses Web IDL fragments and turns them
into Perl objects (used by [2] to generate test cases)


1. I pretty much think the Java binding should be moved out of the main
spec into a Note; it seems to me very unlikely that anyone will spend
the necessary effort to ensure that the Java bindings are correct in the
timeframe we want for Web IDL progression.

2. http://suika.fam.cx/www/webidl2tests/readme

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 13:24:50 UTC