Re: Interesting spec ambiguity: cross-frame "this"

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <>wrote:

> On Apr 18, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
> >
> > Good. I went through a similarly indirect analysis, reading between the
> lines, and arrived at the same conclusion for canary.html and
> canary-orig.html. As for canary-direct.html, I think both FF4.0's apparent
> behavior (it is a direct eval) and apparent Nightly6.0beta's behavior (it is
> an indirect eval) are justifiable, but I prefer the latter.
> >
> I can tell you the intent of the language in15.  IThe intent was
> that the resolved value of "eval" is the SameValue as the original value of
> the global named 'eval' defined in  By the same logic that I used
> in my previous response that should be the original eval value of the global
> environment that is in scope for the code containing the possibly direct
> eval.  In other words, the eval call in canary-direct is not a direct eval.
> As an indirect eval, the global object is uses should be the global object
> captured the eval function which should be the frame's eval. That appears to
> be the Nightly6.0 result.

Excellent. +1.

> Allen


Received on Monday, 18 April 2011 22:12:00 UTC