Early draft is up

Hi all,

after a period of dormancy (it turns out that actually implementing
stuff is work), Tzviya and I sat down this week to put together an early
draft of the spec. You can see it up at:


When I say early I do mean it. A lot of the concepts are likely there,
but many things are still missing from the more trivial (nicer CSS) to
more complex. The spec might need some restructuring in places we're
still thinking about that.

But hopefully there is enough meat that we can use this as a starting
point for discussion. The GitHub issues are open, there's this list, we
take PRs, etc.

We hope you'll enjoy it!

• Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
• http://science.ai/ — intelligent science publishing

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2016 21:05:17 UTC