Re: Support for XHTML5

On 03/12/2015 19:15 , Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-12-03 at 15:20 -0500, Robin Berjon wrote:
>>  Were we to
>> use XHTML for EPUB 3 alignment then we should also use epub:type
>> instead of role,
> Why? There's no reason you can't process a role attribute in XSLT.

Because EPUB 3 use epub:type for what role is being proposed for
nowadays. We could do EPUB3-but-with-role-instead, but then why not
EPUB3-but-with-HTML-instead? If strict adherence to EPUB3 is a goal (I
don't believe it is) then it is XHTML and epub:type for all.

Having said that I know from one of the largest EPUB3 companies that a
large chunk of their EPUB content is not even XHTML, and when it is
their implementation parses it as HTML anyway. It appears that XHTML is
not even needed for the production of interoperable EPUB content (to the
extent that such a thing is possible).

However having to use epub:type instead of the newer DPUB roles strikes
me as a step backwards. I really don't think that EPUB3 is a goal; I
think we should look towards the newer stuff from PWP, E0, etc.

• Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon
• — intelligent science publishing

Received on Friday, 4 December 2015 14:50:28 UTC