Re: best practice to represent social media accounts for org like Fire departments, Police, etc.

Thank you Sven for the comments.
I am not sure I fully understand all of them.

Going back to the simple example I am starting from
@prefix s: <> .
<> a s:Organization ;
  s:sameAs <> ;
  s:sameAs <> .

How would you improve it? Instead of s:sameAs, you would use s:url followed
by the literal of the URL for the social media account?


On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 7:43 PM SvenPVoigt <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The schema:sameAs implies all the identifiers define the same object. If
> one is meant to be the social media page and one the organization, then
> that isn't the correct representation. You can make a complete distinction
> between identifiers and locators or reuse identifiers in url literals.
> The solution it seems to me is to completely make a distinction between
> identifiers and resource locators (uri vs url). There’s several places in
> where this issue becomes a little confusing like with using
> identifiers for images rather than url literals for where the image data is
> located. Is the intended use for the image to be some identified resource?
> Or should it be meant to be a pointer to the location where the data exists?
> If the different social media accounts absolutely have to also represent
> the organization, note that you can reuse identifiers (such as those used
> for the webpage, twitterhandle, etc) as url literals. Then you can create
> an individual for the social media page and attach a property for the
> location as a url literal.
> Note that you cannot assign the same identifier to the social media page
> as that would imply the organization is also a social media page. But this
> follows from having already used the social media page uri as the
> identifier for the organization.
> Best,
> Sven
> On Apr 4, 2024, at 2:51 PM, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:
> tempted to suggest:
> add <persona>
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 10:58 PM Richard Wallis <
>> wrote:
>> Using the *PropertyValue* pattern for *identifier *might work here.
>> Especially if applied to a *ContactPoint*.
>>  @prefix s: <> .
>>  <> a s:Organization ;
>>   s:address "1 A Street, London" ;
>>   s:contactPoint [
>>     a s:ContactPoint ;
>>     s:identifier [
>>       a s:PropertyValue ;
>>       s:propertyID "Telegram ID" ;
>>       s:value "OrgTelID"
>>     ] ;
>>     s:name "Telegram Account"
>>   ] ;
>>   s:name "An Organization”.
>> ~Richard
>> On 3 Apr 2024 at 14:41:39, Ryan Levering <> wrote:
>>> Yeah, I guess technically that would be extra information on
>>> the relationship between the Organization and the UserAccount, but
>>> isn't that normalized usually.  You could use Role (*small
>>> shudder*).
>>> It would be totally fine to add more properties.  I personally need the
>>> type for creation/deletion dates/status on the accounts.  There's just no
>>> abstraction for the concept to hang any of these ideas.  Maybe it could be
>>> a description or category or something new.
>>> I was just using that URI as a local identifier.  It could be a blank
>>> node with just a provider that uniquely identified it.
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 9:31 AM Arnaud Sahuguet <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you Ryan.
>>>> Two comments:
>>>> 1. FDNY has multiple Twitter accounts, e.g. general announcements,
>>>> careers, etc.
>>>> I would need UserAccount to have an extra property to define the
>>>> purpose of the account.
>>>> 2. For messaging apps like Signal, Telegram with no Web interface (as
>>>> far as I know), there is no Web URI to use as an identifier. How would you
>>>> solve the issue?
>>>> Arnaud
>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 9:26 AM Ryan Levering <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> My proposal is to have a UserAccount type that has edges to
>>>>> Person/Organization:
>>>>> @prefix s: <> .
>>>>> <> a s:Organization ;
>>>>>   s:hasAccount <> ;
>>>>>   s:hasAccount <> .
>>>>> <> a s:UserAccount ;
>>>>>   s:name "FDNY"
>>>>>     s:provider <>
>>>>> IMO, ContactPoint is not quite the right direction because it's
>>>>> provider-agnostic (a phone number or email is thankfully a global
>>>>> address).  The UserAccount is only relevant in the context of the place
>>>>> where the account is.
>>>>> But for your specific case, at Google we currently interpret sameAs in
>>>>> the way you use in the example.  That's the only way we have to represent
>>>>> it in our systems.
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 9:14 AM Arnaud Sahuguet <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you, Dan.
>>>>>> It is nice to cross paths again (we collaborated on
>>>>>> when I was at
>>>>>> Wikidata is going very deep with one property per social media
>>>>>> "entity", e.g. for
>>>>>> YouTube. This can open a can of worms: what defines a social media entity,
>>>>>> who is worthy of such a property, why is my social media website not in the
>>>>>> list, etc.?
>>>>>> I am wearing my "civic data lenses", with a focus on city and
>>>>>> government services.
>>>>>> I would like to be able to list all their social media accounts and
>>>>>> for what purpose they use them.
>>>>>> I would argue that social media is a form of ContactPoint. The
>>>>>> current version of ContactPoint was designed pre-social media.
>>>>>> Supporting social media *and* messaging apps (e.g. signal, telegram,
>>>>>> etc.) would be super relevant.
>>>>>> 1. Most social media have a web interface: having a url should be
>>>>>> enough and we get it for free from Thing.
>>>>>> 2. For messaging apps, we need to capture the user handle/id but also
>>>>>> the name of the app.
>>>>>> Maybe having a new DigitalContactPoint schema (parent ==
>>>>>> ContactPoint ??) with a new property called userid to capture the
>>>>>> user account.
>>>>>> In the meantime, what would you recommend for my FDNY example?
>>>>>> The issue I have with sameAs is that I cannot capture the fact that
>>>>>> FDNY has multiple channels, one for casual announcements, one for critical
>>>>>> announcements, etc.
>>>>>> ContactPoint is a bit of an overkill and does not convey the fact
>>>>>> that this is a social media account.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Arnaud
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 5:07 AM Dan Brickley <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> +Ryan
>>>>>>> I have discussed the idea of modeling accounts with Ryan (cc:d) from
>>>>>>> time to time. It could be useful but as ever it is hard to know how deep to
>>>>>>> go.
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> On Tue, 2 Apr 2024 at 22:04, Arnaud Sahuguet <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am trying to represent the various media accounts using by New
>>>>>>>> York City fire department. The list is at
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> If I want to attach the Twitter/X account and Facebook account of
>>>>>>>> FDNY, I could do
>>>>>>>> @prefix s: <> .
>>>>>>>> <> a s:Organization ;
>>>>>>>>   s:sameAs <> ;
>>>>>>>>   s:sameAs <> .
>>>>>>>> Is there a better way that conveys the fact these accounts are
>>>>>>>> social media accounts?
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Arnaud
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Arnaud Sahuguet
>>>> --
>>>> Arnaud Sahuguet
>> --
>> Richard Wallis
>> Founder, Data Liberate
>> Linkedin:
>> Twitter: @dataliberate @rjw

Arnaud Sahuguet

Received on Friday, 5 April 2024 00:26:31 UTC