Re: Web feeds for "Blog" types

Hi Jason,

Nice write-up.

To answer your question: No, but I do it (to) myself. That is, when 
someone pushes something as a scientific theory but it's "just a blog 
post", I can be quite demeaning. Similarly, I present my own opinions as 
"just my blog".

Yours sincerely,
Hans Polak

On 23/5/22 23:44, wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a good question.  I really do not like the term "blog" in a
> technical sense, and for personal reasons I'll reveal at the end.
> A "blog" is a term that refers to a collection of postings. However, a
> website labeled as a "blog" may also contain static pages and dynamic
> elements in addition to simply posts. In WordPress the practical difference
> between a Post and a Page is that a Page doesn't display the author, doesn't
> display the date and lacks categorization features. In essence a Page is a
> Post lacking certain features.
> If I published a series of pages over time around a certain subject, for
> example weather conditions, I'd be technically "blogging".
> Someone may refer to their collection of posts on a site they don't own as
> their "blog", for example with Tumblr. Is it "their blog"?
> I don't know. Nor is it useful for me to consider how they label it.
> You've got webpages at URLS that output their content using HTML or some
> other broadly parsable markup language allowing hyperlinking.
> The site is a CreativeWork. Pages are published on the site which are their
> own CreativeWorks. Pages contain other content that are also CreativeWorks,
> for example images, code, collections, etc. All of these things can be
> created and published separately by different Persons at different times.
> The hasPart and isPartOf properties can be used to define relationships, if
> desired, but since an asset is included in a "blog" does that necessarily
> make it a child? No. All these different content pieces don't necessarily
> have parent-child relationships.
> I work with JobPosting schema a lot. We both submit directly to the Google
> API and publish RSS feeds for our job listings. I wouldn't ever think of
> publishing JobPostings without a RSS feed, even with the API submissions
> making it superfluous. Also I wouldn't ever exclude them from sitemaps.
> These are postings, 100%, but nobody refers to a job board as a "blog".
> A blog is thought of as something "less important" or "less professional"
> than a website by the public as a whole, by laypeople who don't publish
> sites themselves. I've had the term "local blog" thrown at my local news
> sites in a pejorative fashion. The site doesn't just have me as an author -
> it's got over a hundred different authors of really great articles about
> local topics. The local politicians who weren't happy with what I was
> publishing weren't referring to my use of WordPress or inclusion of dates
> and authors on the Posts. The local "news" sites who act as mouthpieces for
> them use WordPress as well and also include such elements on their articles
> yet nobody ever refers to them as "blogs".
> What do we think is best for AI to learn? Is there as much of a value in
> keeping the distinction given how its so subjective?
> If it were my call I'd just deprecate the whole "Blog" type and simply use
> "WebSite" in its place. In my humble opinion it's just not different enough.
> Let's just can it.
> This is an issue I considered carefully. I created a curation plugin for
> WordPress that allow Works to be defined as Custom Post Types: "Art Gallery
> Plugin". There are 13 types of Digital Creations provided for. Website is
> one of the 13.  Blog is not. I don't feel like neglecting the distinction
> prevents someone to be able to fully represent what an instance of a  'blog"
> is.
> I write articles for multiple websites. In all cases I publish them on
> WordPress as Posts. However, I don't see all posts on a site being a
> "CreativeWorkSeries". If, however I was doing a multi-part article around
> the same topic I would practically refer to that subset of posts as a
> "Series". For example I might write a couple reviews of the local
> pet-friendly hotels. That would be specific enough to call a "series" but my
> reviews of all lodging establishments  in an area might not qualify as such,
> especially if reviewing hotels is a fixed feature of my site and that's all
> I write about. If on the other hand I often write about a variety of topic
> and I infrequently write reviews about hotels then I might refer to all my
> hotel reviews as a series.
> When I think "series" I think TV shows where the characters stay the same.
> Once it's a collection of a hodgepodge of topics, or even one topic that's
> too broad (like all lodging establishments in an area) then it's not a
> series.  Not all shows on one TV channel are a series. Not all shows
> produced by the same Persons are a series. Not everyone might agree with
> this definition and examples. Someone may see all their blog posts as a
> series and someone else my only see subsets of all their blog posts as
> separate series, not wanting to refer to the whole of their work as a
> series.
> I hope this was all useful.
> I'd like to know if anyone else had their sites "demeaned" by the referring
> to them as "blogs".
> Peace out!
> -JP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rohan Kumar<>  
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 4:06 PM
> Subject: Web feeds for "Blog" types
> Hi,
> Currently, the "webFeed" property is supported for PodcastSeries and
> SpecialAnnouncement. PodcastSeries is an type of CreativeWorkSeries which is
> a type of CreativeWork.
> A Blog, however, is type of CreativeWork that may have several blogPosting
> children. This seems odd, since both blogs and podcast series are
> technically and semantically similar.
> A Blog, IMO, should be a CreativeWorkSeries since it contains multiple
> CreativeWork elements of the type BlogPosting. Moreover, it also should have
> a webFeed in the form of an RSS/ATOM/JSON feed or a Microformats
> h-feed/hAtom.
> What do you all think?
> --
> Seirdy

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 14:50:17 UTC