Event API

Hi there

we have published a new API that uses primarily for 
publishing events together with the company

Current documentation ist only in german on Gitlab but Google Translate 
can help and also I plan to translate more of it. The documentation is 
public domain as is the meta data. Also the software will be released 
under GLP2. The API is build using Typo3.

I would like to get some feedback and also like to invite to test or 
participate in the development. But be patient with us, we are only a 
small society working in socioculture. But I hope that this API (or some 
other on the future) will get us to a more standardized approach of 
exchanging event data.

Currently there are two search areas:

1) mitglieder (members are addresses)

2) performance (events)

We made this as good as we understood the concepts. If you like to point 
out problems this is very welcome. I am sure we did some mistakes.


Thilo Pfennig

project member

LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Geschäftsstelle Kiel
Heiligendammer Str. 15 * 24106 Kiel
Anscharpark Haus 8
+49 15224038018

Received on Monday, 8 November 2021 07:57:30 UTC