using 'Schedule' for IoT - check my example?

Hello -

I’m working with the Brick Schema ( which is
an RDF ontology for buildings/energy/IoT/etc.

Schedules are a pretty important part of that world, and rather than
inventing our own format, we’d like to use the data types. The
Schedule type seems like a good fit:

Consuming systems are things like HVAC/lighting/security automation systems
in a building, and any applications that might analyze data coming out of
these systems.

We are trying to be careful not to put too much in the way of semantics on
the schedule object - for example, the schedule that the lights follow is
probably similar to the schedule for which the building or business is
“open” but it might not be quite the same thing. So we will want to be able
to have multiple “schedules", the meaning of each to be determined by some
other properties and relationships (hence, why would prefer the ‘Schedule’
type over the ‘OpeningHoursSpecification’ type)

Schedules in this world are usually built up around a definition for a
typical week. Most software creates a base schedule for a week, and then
adds additional “exception” schedules on top of it. (Schedule objects get
some kind of ‘priority’, in that the base schedule has the lowest priority
and a ‘holiday schedule’ has higher priority, overriding the base schedule
for the days that are holidays. The control software knows how to interpret
the priorities and pick the right definition). There can be multiple
exception schedules - think global exceptions and then local exceptions. I
don’t know how we would deal with the ‘exceptDate’ property that’s already
in the ‘Schedule’ object, but I think there's still a sensible
interpretation of that even with multiple 'schedules'.

Boundary conditions are super-important, especially for security systems.
You don’t want to define a day as running from 00:00 to 23:59, and have a
door unlock for 1 minute at 23:59 only to relock again 00:00 - we want to
be able to say that the bar opens at 12 noon and closes at 1am the next
day, and have that be one continuous stretch of time.

It’s also common to want to do occasionally strange-looking repeats - you
may have processes in your building that should happen on odd-numbered
days, even though that means you go twice in a row when the calendar goes
from July 31st to August 1st.

I was hoping that someone could just spot-check me and make sure that I’ve
got this right. It's abusing the 'evenSchedule' property a bit, but I’m
imagining a schedule for say a pub, so something that’s open most but not
all days of the week and usually closes at midnight, except on Friday and
Saturday when it might stay open til 2am amd hence cross midnight, and on
Sunday where it closes earlier:

      "@context": "",
      "@type": "Event",
      "name": "Schedule Example",
      "eventSchedule": [
          "@type": "Schedule",
          "startDate": "2016-01-02",
          "repeatFrequency": "P1D",
          "byDay": ["TU,WE,TH"],
          "startTime": "12:00:00",
          "endTime": "00:00:00",
          "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London"
          "@type": "Schedule",
          "startDate": "2016-01-02",
          "repeatFrequency": "P1D",
          "byDay": ["FR,SA"],
          "startTime": "12:00:00",
          "endTime": "02:00:00",
          "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London"
          "@type": "Schedule",
          "startDate": "2016-01-02",
          "repeatFrequency": "P1D",
          "byDay": ["SU"],
          "startTime": "12:00:00",
          "endTime": "23:00:00",
          "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London"

(I’m using the RRULE syntax for ‘byDay’. I’m hoping that you can also use
RRULE for byMonthDay too, because I might want to say something special
about the last day of the month:

      "@context": "",
      "@type": "Event",
      "name": "Count Example",
          "@type": "Schedule",
          "startDate": "2016-12-24",
          "repeatFrequency": "P1M",
          "byMonthDay": [-1],
          "startTime": "09:00:00",
          "endTime": "17:00:00",
          "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London"

The “what should actually happen” when a schedule is “True” is a separate
question - it might be the business is now open, or the light turns on, or
the air conditioner lowers the temp or a heater raises the temp, or a door
locks or unlocks, or who knows.  I think what we’re looking for is just to
be able to compactly say “given this schedule, does the current time fall
in a time range defined by the schedule?” with either a ‘True’ or ‘False’,
and we’ll figure out a new property to use in our ontology other than

We discussed this some on our mailing list and had a few more use case
examples, mostly in how to translate over to recurrence rules, though none
marked up in actual markup:

Thanks for reading this far and for any advice you can give!


ps I’m happy to switch this over to a Github Discussion if you’d prefer to
use that instead.

Received on Monday, 9 August 2021 23:30:48 UTC