Re: related SHACL shapes

On 21/05/2020 03:20, James Hudson wrote:
> Hello,
> Dan B.,
>     While I am disappointed that no one has already done my work for
>     me :-), what you have confirmed (I think) is that it is work worth
>     doing and there are no known red flags against considering
>     developing SHACL Shapes which would validate
>     <> data instances.
>     If anyone can point me to specific work that have experimented
>     with creating SHACL Shapes which validate
>     <> data instances, I would be interested. I will
>     keep looking.
>     Based on the breadth and extent of <>,
>     it would seem to be a lot of work for complete validation.
> Alasdair,
>     I looked at your site, but did not see any SHACL Shapes related to
> <> classes or properties. I assume you
>     are using them underneath somewhere...? Can they be shared?
> Gregory, Thomas,
>     Thank you for pointing me at Unless
>     I am mistaken, it ( ) seems that
>     is about validating <> classes and
>     properties itself and not data instances.
No, that SHACL file is actually for instances. It is generated from the 
original RDFa definition of the classes and properties and 
interprets the specified ranges as sh:datatype and sh:class constraints. 
So you *can* use it as a shapes graph when validating instances.

And yes, it's not entirely up to date - if anyone needs the very latest 
version I could re-run the generator (which is also bundled with TBC in 
case anyone has that).


>     Although, their "example file" (
> ) is what I am
>     looking for, but it only covers one class. Still, there will be
>     things in there that I can use.
>     It does provide some nice examples for how to do certain things in
>     SHACL.
> Umut, Elias,
>     Thank you for pointing me at <>. I
>     will have to take a closer look, but it does not appear to have
>     what I am looking for this time, which is literally a SHACL Shape
>     which can validate ,
>     for example -- and beyond that, SHACL Shapes which could validate
>     data instances of all of the <>
>     classes and properties. Incomplete solutions would be of value.
> Regards,
> James

Received on Thursday, 21 May 2020 01:55:02 UTC