A structured data C.V. for @type:Person ?

Hi all,

I am working on markup for people who are working for a financial company
and on each of their profile pages I would like to put up a sort of
structured data CV like the pseudo-code below - for reasons of proving
expertise and authority - but the jobs a person has had seems rather tricky
to format and there doesn't seem to be any way of simply listing a person's
qualifications - have I missed something ??

  "@context": "http://schema.org/",
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "Albert Einstein",
      job1 name,
      sameas link to occupation if available,
        company name,
        company sameAs site url or wikipedia link,
      start date,
      end date
      job2 name,
      sameas link to occupation if available,
        company name,
        company sameAs site url or wikipedia link,
      start date,
      end date
      sameas link to site page of qualification if available,
        sameAs link to school/college if available,
      sameas link to site page of qualification if available,
        sameAs link to school/college if available,

-- Also, if you put the following JSON-LD example from the
https://schema.org/Role page into the structured data testing tool it
returns 4 errors - 2 of which state that "A value for the estimatedSalary
field is required" for Occupation, and this is obviously not acceptible if
using this attribute for a person's past jobs! Could it be made optional ?

  "@context": "http://schema.org/",
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "Albert Einstein",
  "hasOccupation": [
      "@type": "Role",
        "@type": "Occupation",
        "name": "Job 1",
        "occupationalCategory": "23-2099.00"
      "startDate": "1901",
      "endDate": "1906"
      "@type": "Occupation",
      "name": "Professor of Physics",
      "educationRequirements": "PhD in Physics"

Thanks for any feedback you can give,

Hugo Scott
*Sustainable SEO*
*Audits SEO technique*
*Optimsation** SEO Wordpress*
(+33) 06 51 19 09 41

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Received on Monday, 24 June 2019 11:05:41 UTC