Re: Historical events

I am brand spanking new to this listserv, and pretty new to the concept of altogether, so I might be breaking protocol.  Please let me know
if I am.  Don't want to do that.

But the idea of historical event as a subcategory of event seems to make a
lot of sense to me in what I do.  I am not looking at general events,
though being able to say "World War II" would be handy.  I am looking at
things like when a ship was launched or when it sank as historical events.
(Would you be able to nest events?  Like event WWII -> event "sinking"?)
Right now event does not seem to fit this sort of thing.  I actually and
trying to put together and propose a small, er, taxonomy(?) for vessels
under vehicle. Seems to fit, almost.  One of the ideas I was considering
was "date sunk."  But maybe that defeats the purpose of event itself.
 Maybe it doesn't if I can't relate the ship to its historical event in the
current structure.  I'm not sure how that works.  There are obviously
people much more in the know here, so I am just throwing out these comments
and questions to get greater clarity of how we can use to
represent what we do effectively.

Shawn Fielding, novice

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Vicki Tardif <> wrote:

> One thing to consider is that if only the properties of
> are provided, the more important it is to have an accurate type. If I have
> name: Ramones
> image:
> url:
> I do not not know if this is the band, the self-titled album, or a book
> about the band. I need the type to disambiguate.
> And yes, one may use sameAs, but not everything is notable enough to be in
> Wikidata/Wikipedia.
> - Vicki
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 5:33 PM Thad Guidry <> wrote:
>> Peter,
>> You used a string, not an identifier.  I am saying, when practical, use
>> an identifier.
>> I will continue to use Event myself for my applications, it fits my needs
>> quite nicely.
>> I get the feeling that the community tries to push back against someone
>> who wants to roll their own way.  I was simply expressing how I roll my own
>> way and that it works for me.
>> I am not asking for anyone to agree with me.  I don't care about
>> agreement in this case because I am already deriving value from this usage
>> for my own applications.
>> But I do understand that others on this list have very different needs
>> than me, especially around SEO, and not interoperability concerns.  That's
>> fine.  We all have different uses cases.  Which is why I was asking about
>> Roger's use case.  Being able to categorize things into structure is great
>> !  But how it gets used is what I am always most interested in.
>> -Thad

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2018 22:53:51 UTC