qualifiers on values


I seem to remember that there is (or was) a way in schema.org to associate
additional information (a.k.a. qualifiers) with a value for a property on an
item.  I also seem to remember that this was done by having the property point
at a placeholder and using a special property to link this placeholder to the
real value.

In triples this would be something like:

:John :marriedTo _:a .

_:a schema:value :Susan .

_:a schema:startDate 2001 .

_:a schema:endDate 2010 .


:Sofa23 :width _:w .

_:w schema:value 57 .

_:w :unit :inch .

Is (Was) this part of schema.org or am I misremembering?


Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 14:54:31 UTC