Re: Any limitation on attributes I can quality with "Role"?

Hi Kevin,

Giving my best to answer your questions below:

On 08/14/18 15:56, Kevin Brown wrote:
> I understand the RoleName attribute of Role superseded NamedPosition,
> and the example attributes to qualify with Role on the
> <> page ('member', 'actor') indicate Role being
> used in the context of the relationship between a natural person and a
> thing.
> There is a pending extension which adds Role to the subjectOf
> attribute of Thing. This would widen the context of Role to the
> relationship between any arbitrary thing and any other thing, if I am
> understanding the proposed usage correctly. The pending extension
> subtype linkRole expands the context to  web links between arbitrary
> things.
> Can I use Role to quality any attribute of any thing I wish, similar
> to how I can arbitrarily use a collection of entities anywhere the
> indicates a single entity is accepted as a value? My
> particular use case involves the "telephone" attribute of Person and
> Organization. I need to markup multiple telephone numbers for one
> person, for example, with identifiers like "default", "mobile",
> "home", etc.
Regarding the use of Role: Although all the examples are with object
properties, I **think** there is nothing against a usage like this:
"@context": "",
"@type": "Person",
"telephone": {
            "@type": "Role",
            "telephone": 452345345,
            "roleName": "mobile"

However for your particular use case, an alternative and maybe a more
straightforward approach would be using the ContactPoint type with as it
can be used on Person and Organization with the contactPoint property.
This type has a contactType property where you can specify the type of a
telephone number as 'mobile'.
> The telephone entity seems to be a primitive type, expecting a text
> value; even though the page shows it in the hierarchy like
> "Thing > Property > telephone", the page
> does not show it as inheriting attributes from Property. If it did
> inherit from Property I'd probably (naively maybe) think "identifier"
> from Thing might be the best to use for the type of telephone. But as
> I understand (maybe my developer's mindset), primitive types don't
> inherit from Thing, and the telephone page seems to indicate that.
telephone is a property, not a type. In properties do not
have properties.  Text would be, for instance, a primitive type.
> So I'm considering qualifying the "text" primitive value of
> "telephone" with role to identify "mobile", etc., if I'm free to use
> Role on any arbitrary attribute. Is that the case? And can anyone help
> me with maybe more of the general principles involved (and intended
> direction of context for Role) also?
> I've worked as a developer for about 15 years. Writing my first BSD
> kernel driver and feeling like I had a grasp of kernel architecture
> was easier than gaining some feeling of competency in the semantic web
> area. I've read all of the semantic web books I could find and
> understand OWL, SPARQL, etc. to some level. I've had difficult finding
> any good entry-level resources for on-ramping developers. I hope to
> write some once I feel like I really have a grasp of the domain.
> Thank you,
> Kevin
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