Re: v3.3 release candidate for review

Found some easier to see use cases that Vicki is mentioning...

Places that have listed business operating hours (useful I guess with
corollary in Job Descriptions "our work time is 7am -10pm, but the front
doors open at 9am to the public)...along with public access hours.

+1 Maybe Joey has the best solution of all...just a new publicOpeningHours
 ...but the problem is that currently openingHours is actually considered
the publicOpeningHours ... so maybe we should say that in its
description...and create a new operatingHours (which doesn't have to be
limited to a place or business but ANY Thing.  This might even be useful
for devices later to note when they are ON or operational for signaling,
IoT, LPWAN, etc.

Thoughts on a new operatingHours and then just re-phrasing openingHours to
note that it's the hours open to the public ?

+ThadGuidry <>

On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 1:46 PM Joey Gartin <> wrote:

> Can it be addressed similarly to how openingHours is addressed?
>  openPublicHours?  This is used on both LocalBusiness and CivicStructure
> objects.
> Joey Gartin
> Marketing Engineer
> (530) 276-8131 mobile
> <>
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Richard Wallis <>
> wrote:
>> And how does one say it is not a public place?
>> ~Richard
>> On 24 May 2017, at 18:35, Vicki Tardif Holland <>
>> wrote:
>> In this case, having a property to flag if a Place is accessible by
>>> public visitors covers more ground than a Type AND is easier for publishers.
>> I don't follow. If they use multiple types, they can say it is a public
>> place and a park.
>> And a boolean does not allow places like King's Chapel in Boston, which
>> is often publicly accessible, but not during church services.
>> - Vicki
>> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Thad Guidry <>
>> wrote:
>>> I did some digging and scenarios of True and False on this new
>>> publicAccess property on Place across some atypical Places.
>>> In the case of a boolean for "publicAccess" ...
>>> We have Park under CivicStructure but that's not always the case...Not
>>> all Parks are actually publicly accessible or even public, some are
>>> actually private but still name themselves a park.  Example of a famous one
>>> in New York City:
>>> In this case, having a property to flag if a Place is accessible by
>>> public visitors covers more ground than a Type AND is easier for publishers.
>>> Backtracking and agreeing with Martin and Richard on this particular
>>> property of publicAccess.
>>> -Thad
>>> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 6:34 AM Martin Hepp <> wrote:
>>>> I might miss the point, but I have a few concerns:
>>>> 1. Substituting Boolean properties by types will work only if we have
>>>> full support for multi-typed entities in the major search engines. As soon
>>>> as there are adverse effects of making an entity multi-typed, we cannot
>>>> substitute a Boolean property by a new type.
>>>> 2. Also, Boolean properties, like faceted classifications, allow us to
>>>> classify an object along multiple dimensions. As soon as we have a subclass
>>>> hierarchy, using types can quickly create at least confusion but often
>>>> inconsistencies.
>>>> 3. From a theoretical perspective, qualitative properties and even
>>>> quantitative properties can also create a secondary type system.
>>>> So in a nutshell, I think Boolean properties have their right if we
>>>> want to add a distinction or categorial information without messing with
>>>> the type hierarchy of the main type.
>>>> Martin
>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>> martin hepp
>>>>          @mfhepp
>>>> > On 24 May 2017, at 13:24, Richard Wallis <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > In most cases I agree with you.
>>>> >
>>>> > However in this case the boolean property was proposed to enable not
>>>> only the definition that a Place is open for publicAccess, but also a Place
>>>> is not open for publicAccess.
>>>> >
>>>> > This came from the enhancements to TouristAttraction proposals where
>>>> many places may well be still of interest regardless of if public access is
>>>> available or not; whilst that accessibility is still useful information.
>>>> Following the logic of defining a PublicPlace, would lead in this case to
>>>> creating a NonPublicPlace type to enable that capability which I believe is
>>>> even more clunky than the proposed boolean.
>>>> >
>>>> > ~Richard.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Richard Wallis
>>>> > Founder, Data Liberate
>>>> >
>>>> > Linkedin:
>>>> > Twitter: @rjw
>>>> >
>>>> > On 22 May 2017 at 19:05, R.V.Guha <> wrote:
>>>> > I agree. I prefer types
>>>> >
>>>> > On May 22, 2017 10:55 AM, "Vicki Tardif Holland" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > We should figure out a principled approach to boolean properties. I
>>>> am not a fan of them as they create a secondary type system (publicAccess
>>>> could also be PublicPlace), but because they are not actually types, you
>>>> cannot add properties to them. For example, you cannot say when the public
>>>> access hours are if they differ from other hours.
>>>> >
>>>> > With that said, it is probably not worth holding up the release.
>>>> Otherwise, LGTM.
>>>> >
>>>> > - Vicki
>>>> >
>>>> > On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Dan Brickley <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 22 May 2017 at 18:11, Chaals is Charles McCathie Nevile <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I already  made some comments on HowTo.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks - sensible tweaks, we should fold those in.
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm not enamoured of filling up on reverse properties - as far as I
>>>> can tell they are only for microdata, and I'm not sure why people couldn't
>>>> just use RDFa Lite instead, if microdata isn't serving their purposes -
>>>> which I suspect for many interesting cases it doesn't.
>>>> >
>>>> > There is some ongoing discussion of that here -
>>>> - and an agreement
>>>> to revisit the reverse properties before any move from Pending into a named
>>>> extension area (or the core).
>>>> >
>>>> > Otherwise, LGTM, please go ahead.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks!
>>>> >
>>>> > cheers
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 22/05/17 18:06, Dan Brickley wrote:
>>>> > Dear Community Group, Steering Group,
>>>> >
>>>> > Based on our consensus discussions here and in Github, here is a
>>>> > proposal for a new release, version 3.3:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I'd like to aim at publishing this around June 5th. Bugs, mistakes,
>>>> > typos, modeling and example improvements and other detailed review
>>>> > comments are welcome here or in the issue tracker at
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > cheers,
>>>> >
>>>> > Dan
>>>> >
>>>> > ps. as usual there are a few pieces of the release that will be put
>>>> together
>>>> > at the end (anything involving exact release dates, dated snapshots
>>>> etc.).
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Charles McCathie Nevile   -   standards   -   Yandex
>>>> > - Find more at
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >

Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 19:41:52 UTC