Re: VR schema proposal - need some help

Found the altitude reference:

On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 at 02:41 Timothy Holborn <>

> maybe also
> playerDevice: "HMD"
> or,
> mixedRealityCookie: "yes"
> (similarTo: <a href="" target="_blank" class="
> hidden-link"> )
> (being that if a HMD is on a particular URL at a space/time (location
> and/or time): the experience changes).
> I think the schema attempt was a great start, but certainly more work
> needs to be done.
> I'm also kinda sure it's not simply X:Y Coordinates, but also elevation
> and orientation. whilst dave's more of the expert, i have a feeling the
> answer to that problem might be in KML.
> also Re: Formats for discovery, interactions and working to identify which
> parts are in the web-layer (or which parts could be);
> The 'golden' use-case i really care about is the means in which someone
> can identify an object but that the object can have ACLs.
> EG: Facial / phonetics (vocal) / biometric Recognition of person (direct
> or by way of inference); as to enable availability for use for only a
> specified purpose; or the means to exclude use from all purposes.
> Some people may want privacy, others may subscribe to a dating app with
> specific parameters.  I think this should have graph support, and in-turn i
> think the work with manu is an important element to achieving that goal.
> The classic examples of AR/VR/MR Visions:
> -
> -
> which i hope may help illustrate some of the ontological functions.  I'm
> not sure what the standard WebAPIs might look like though?
> or what they'd hook into..
> Tim.H
> On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 at 02:18 Vicki Tardif Holland <>
> wrote:
>> I am not sure I understand the recommendation to use category instead of
>> a new type. VirtualRealityObjects are different than other types of media
>> objects, so it is important to understand the distinction. While one can go
>> through a VR demo on a normal screen, it is a diminished experience, just
>> as one can listen to a movie over audio equipment, but that is not the
>> intended playback mechanism.
>> - Vicki
>> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Thad Guidry <>
>> wrote:
>>> No need to create a new type, I would say, if you just want to classify
>>> your MediaObject or Thing.
>>> We have support now for categories.
>>> You can just simply use when you need to
>>> sub-classify a Thing.
>>> You are just wanting to specify a particular type of MediaObject, right
>>> ?  But that VirtualRealityObject is still a MediaObject, right ?  If so,
>>> then just sub-classify with category.
>>> You could even get crazy (but I don't recommend it in this case) and do
>>> something like Military specs do and give a reduction hierarchy:
>>> type: "MediaObject"
>>> category: "reality>virtual"
>>> category: "Virtual Reality"
>>> -Thad
>>> +ThadGuidry <>

Received on Thursday, 15 June 2017 17:55:26 UTC