Re: Google Structured Data Testing Tool - improved support for multiple independent types

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:33 AM Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> . . . The tool now allows multiple independent types to be applied to a
> single entity without errors/warnings. . .
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the update, and it's good to meet you. The testing tool has been
invaluable to me in my work.

What's the relationship between the tool's understanding of and
the Google search engine's? I develop web apps and use the tool to verify
that the Google crawlers will successfully parse my pages, and then
possibly even make use of the structured data content.

So, I've always used the tool to check that "Google's crawlers will be able
to understand this", but maybe that's not exactly the case? I'm picking up
that the tool is pretty much its own beast. Or is the parser logic
coordinated between the apps?

This new 'multiple independent type' ability is a good example:  I'm
guessing that the tool now handles this because it's part of the standard.
But is it possible that the Google crawlers may see it as a syntax error?

Another example: a deep (or new) subclass of Organization or LocalBusiness.
If the tool recognizes it, do you happen to know whether the search engine
will as well?


Received on Saturday, 11 February 2017 03:08:06 UTC