Re: sdo Software

Hi Hans, Phil and Thad,

thank you all for your answers.

Hans: actually I was looking for a library or snippet which does exactly

Phil: I was already looking into rdflib and rdflib-jsonld, but they are
"only" translating JSON-LD into RDF and other things, not extracting
structured data from a website

Thad: right, actually something like a web crawler! A plugin to those
would be great, I agree. I also hoped, that maybe BeautifulSoup is the
right way to go, but it's still a hack to get the pure JSON-LD out of
html (especially when it is wrapped in CData).

I keep searching and keep you updated, thanks again for your help!
Best, Elias

On 16.09.2016 16:26, Thad Guidry wrote:
> Your talking about a web crawler or spider.
> There's a few listed here:
> But none that are open source I see.
> Ideally I'd like to see a Apache Nutch an Scrapy plugins for this.  Even
> BeautifulSoup.
> Thad
> +ThadGuidry <>
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Elias Kärle, MSc
Semantic Technology Institute
University of Innsbruck

ICT - Technologie Park Innsbruck
2nd Floor, Room 3S02
Technikerstrasse, 21a
6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: (+43) 512 507 53738
Skype: elias.kaerle

Received on Friday, 16 September 2016 14:55:38 UTC