> It can be easy for admiral goals (handling a longer tail of geo/spatial
> kinds of place e.g. by using external lists such as from Wikidata) stand in
> the way of simple easy improvements, such as adding PublicToilet directly.
> I'd support doing so if the rough consensus here is that this would be
> useful progress. We also recently have the "pending.schema.org" area of
> the site where proposals can be aired and refined. Should we go ahead and
> add PublicToilet there?
Yes, just add it there. I feel strongly about just doing it since as
Timothy pointed out and in his research that I read through... its a useful
public amenity just like a BusStop or Airport. I feel strongly that any
Public Civic Structure that is maintained by a government or has government
overview somehow, should have a Type in Schema.org. And I think that is
Timothy's point to all of us, and I agree with him on that.
+ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>