Re: Trump vs. Ontology

On 12 November 2016 at 06:54, Timothy Holborn <>

> Interesting question.
> Has anyone considered the values trump stands for in association to the
> available structured data offered by Schemaorg?  My point being about the
> role of structured data in decision making practices.
> Where schema / data isn't available, perhaps it blindsides whatever is
> being used to evaluate community sentiment...?
> Perhaps also, those using the works don't understand how they work...

I think the recent "fake news" controversy provides a use case to annotate
documents, by various trusted individuals (or perhaps those in your social
circle) in order fact check, provide commentary, help reach decisions.

Im not sure how good a fit is for this use case, tho certainly
some terms could be reused.

If I remember correctly, it was one of the original goals of the web to
allow annotations, and collaborative editing.  Perhaps the web annotations
WG is the best place for this kind of thing.

What I envision in future versions of the web is a browser addon that
allows you to read articles, but also where you notice corrections made by
your friends or people you trust, or items questioned, marked, liked etc.
Similarly for video.

Kingsley wrote a great piece on this, and appears to have built some really
great tooling using, among other things,

Received on Sunday, 20 November 2016 21:15:00 UTC