Dissertation Research

Hello, Schema.org Community!

My name is Matthew McCarthy and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the sociology department at The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. I'm writing today to ask the community's permission to conduct dissertation research on Schema.org's development. My interests are in science and technology studies as well as in information sociology. As such, I am very interested in how systems of knowledge and classification are constructed, represented, and utilized. I am particularly interested in linked data technologies as examples of these systems. While most of my research will focus in on the issue discussions that occur on GitHub, the documentation available on Schema.org, and from the W3C, I would also like to interview members from the Schema.org community. That said, if you or anyone you know who is involved in the development or use of linked data technologies would like to assist me in my research, please let me know. If anyone has concerns, questions, or hesitations about participating, or about my research in general, please contact me. I will respect the wishes of the community and those who participate in Schema's development, so anyone who wishes to be excluded will be. I've included my contact information below, as well as a link to my departmental webpage.


Thank you for your time,


Matthew T. McCarthy
Ph.D. Candidate/Lecturer
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI   53201

Received on Friday, 10 June 2016 19:04:53 UTC