FRBR and

Hello community

I know has never been enclined to use [FRBR] to strucutre the
description of [CreativeWork]s.

I do have a need to express FRBR-based data in in the context of
legislation; I would like to know where the community stands on this topic,
and get some advice.

# Use-Case summary

- Abstract Legislation (law independant from a specific temporal version) =
FRBR (complex) Work
  - Legislation in a specific version (= version published in Official
Journal, or consolidated version from 09/22/2015, or revised version, etc.)
= FRBR Work
    - Specific translation of that specific temporal version = FRBR
      - Specific file format (signed PDF, HTML, PDF, XML) for that version
= FRBR Manifestation

A typical example is a [page for a European directive on EurLex].
This kind of metadata shall be published in JSON-LD.

# Possible modeling alternatives for FRBR hierarchy

I currently see 3 alternatives to model the FRBR hierarchy :

1. Don't encode the FRBR hierarchy and use a single entry of type
schema:CreativeWork, or possibly combining multiple types; obvisouly not
what I need;
2. Use the following tree structure :

-  schema:CreativeWork to represent the Complex Work level
  - schema:CreativeWork to represent the Work level, linked to Complex Work
with schema:hasPart / schema:isPartOf
    - schema:CreativeWork to represent the Expression level, linked to Work
with schema:workExample / schema:exampleOfWork
("Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative
      - schema:MediaObject to represent the Manifestation level, linked to
Expression with schema:associatedMedia / schema:encodesCreativeWork ("A
media object that encodes this CreativeWork")

I feel schema:MediaObject is intended to describe videos/audios; can it be
used to describe a PDF or HTML file ? or should schema:CreativeWork be used
at this level too ?
** Does this approach is correct with regards to the intended
semantic ? **

3. According to the [OCLC report], use schema:ProductOffer to describe the
Manifestation. I feel this is kind of odd when Manifestation corresponds to
electroni files.

Can you share experience on capturing the FRBR hierarchy in ? Am
I on the right track ?

Thanks !

[Page for a European directive on EurLex]:
[OCLC report]:


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
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Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 12:11:07 UTC